
TV Trends

is a collection of Movie Serials.

Everyone want to watch the latest episodes of their favorite serial, but sometimes you don't have time to watch it on TV. Tv Trends is your solution. You can watch all the episodes for FREE here whenever you have time and whenever you want to.

Or maybe you have a favorite episode which you would like to watch again. No problem! You can watch it here every day if that's what you like.

How does it work?

You can see the tile of the movie in the top menu (Chuck, Dexter, Gossip Girl). Choose what movie you like to watch and click on its name.

You'll see a page with the trailer of the movie. Scroll down and you'll see a list of the seasons with the episodes and their titles.

Click the episode you would like to see. A survey list will pop-up. Choose a survey from that list and complete it to show the system you are not a bot that wants to consume the bandwidth.

After completing the survey, the page will be unlocked and you can watch your favorite movie for FREE.


*Some episodes might be removed over time because of copyright issues. We are not responsible for any inconvenience caused by that.
*If one episode is no longer available please notice us so we can replace it with a new one
*Some services that host the movies might have limitation for the bandwidth you can consume per day. You can reset that by clearing your cookies or changing your IP address (usually done by reconnecting to internet)

Hope you will enjoy watching movies over TV Trends

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